Pioneer Shrink Fit Machines
HS-6K Heating and Cooling System
Note: Packages are built from inventory.
6K Heating Unit
- 6kw Output, 10-12 Second Tool Change
- 220V 24A Single Phase
- 72psi Shop Air for coil system
- 1/8-3/4 (3-20mm) Capacity
- For tools with up to 12.5" projections
- Works with H13 based tooling only
- Carbide cutting tool shanks with h6 tolerances only
- 1 Year Limited Warranty
- Machine Dimensions: 21"D x 16"W x 29"H
Please allow 8" behind the machine for air flow.
HS Cooling Unit
- 220V 20A Single Phase
- Uses water soluable coolant
- 1 Year Limited Warranty
- Machine Dimensions: 22"D x 20"W x 9"H (23" over hose)
Please allow 8" behind the machine for air flow.